Parenting Resource: God’s Technology DVD

If you have kids, work with kids, or work with their parents, I’d like to point you to a great resource for talking to them about technology and faith.

Dr. David Murray (blog), Professor of Old Testament and Practical Theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary put together a 40 minute DVD called God’s Technology: Training our Children to use Technology for God’s Glory. It starts out with a nice balanced, biblical view of technology. In the middle, there is a Did You Know? style set of statistics on social media, and in the later part of the video Dr. Murray offers a set of practical steps to  parents on how they can guide their children in how to use technology.

Here’s the trailer

[vimeo w=550&h=309]

And here are some reasons to like the video

  1. Dr. Murray is very positive about technology – this is not a doom and gloom video
  2. The video is done very well
  3. It’s only 40 minutes so you can use it at almost any event
  4. The steps he gives are very practical and useful
  5. He encourages parents to build trust in their kids overtime
  6. Dr. Murray is Scottish and therefore awesome

5 thoughts on “Parenting Resource: God’s Technology DVD

  1. Thanks so much for the resource! I hope to start talking to MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) groups in the fall regarding how technology impacts our relationship with God. I will definitely be citing this as great information!

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