I wrote a little prototype class for limiting the number of characters in a <textarea>. It also includes a counter if you want. You set the ID of the <textarea>, the ID of the <input> where the number of characters will be reported, and the number of characters. There is also an internal flag for whether or not to include carriage returns (\n or \r) in the count. Here's how to instantiate it:
<textarea id="textarea1" rows="5" cols="57"></textarea> <br /> <input type="text" id="remaining" size="9" /> characters remaining <script type="text/javascript"> var t1 = new TextCounter('textarea1', 'remaining', 150); </script>
And here's the full script:
var TextCounter = Class.create(); TextCounter.prototype = { initialize: function(textareaid, inputid, maxLength) { this.maxLength = maxLength; this.textarea = $(textareaid); this.input = $(inputid); this.input.value = maxLength; this.input.readonly = true; this.input.disabled = true; Event.observe(this.textarea, 'keyup', this.checkChars.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(this.textarea, 'keydown', this.checkChars.bindAsEventListener(this)); this.checkChars(); }, checkChars: function(e) { var includeBreaksInCount = false; // false = don't count a return (\r or \n) in the count. var charCount = this.textarea.value.length; var breaks = 0; if (!includeBreaksInCount) { var lines = this.textarea.value.split('\n'); breaks = lines.length; // check for /r at the end of the lines (IE) for (var i=0; i<lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[ i ]; if (line.charCodeAt(line.length-1) == 13) breaks++; } } // check if over limit if ((charCount-breaks) > this.maxLength) { this.textarea.value = this.textarea.value.substring(0, (this.maxLength + breaks) ); } // update counter if (this.input) { if ((charCount-breaks) > this.maxLength) { this.input.value = 0; } else { this.input.value = (this.maxLength + breaks) - charCount; } } } }
I am using a php form creator application. It does not allow for custom HTML for the input fields. So I cannot add an ID to each field. However, it does put a paf="inputsid", so could I use this paf field to identify the input field for limiting the text. I would like to limit the text on the Male Description field and Female Description field. Please get back to me at <img src="http://edswebdesign.com/emailimage.jpg">
I’m new at Javascript and have been looking for a way to limit double byte characters (such as Kanji) in a textarea in IE. Do you know a way to do that? At first, this script looks like it works for double byte, but if you keep typing after it reaches 0 (which someone may do if they’re not looking at the screen), it will then delete most of what you’ve entered instead of only deleting the excess number of characters. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
@Liz, I’m sorry, but I currently don’t have any experience with doing this on double byte languages. If you come up with something I’d love to hear it.
nice site and concept , but the bold , italic in the comment area doesn’t work
Nice Example, there is one big bug though. When you turn on count line breaks in Opera or Internet Explorer each line break is counted as two characters 🙁
Still nicely coded class.