Matt Anderson (of and had a little conversation about the theology of technology, and Matt has posted the conversation on his blog. If you’re interested in listening, checkContinue readingA Conversation with Matt Anderson
For the March/April issue of COLLIDE Magazine, I wrote an article called “Information Needs a Compass, Not a Clock.” The thesis is that too often we value information on theContinue readingInformation Needs a Compass, Not a Clock
A few months ago, I put out a preview of a ASP.NET 4.0 CMS called “Purple” (named for the official color of Dallas Theological Seminary). I’m now pushing updates toContinue readingPurple CMS – Now on Github
I am updating a tool that allows users to customize a large data table to their needs. It’s sort of like a progressive insurance for seminaries in that it helpsContinue readingHTML Table to JSON