New Theme for BlogEngine.Net

I'm working on a new theme that is closer to a lot of WordPress looks out there.

Right now, I've going with a zero-image look to see what I could accomplish without using images for curves. So far it's looking pretty boxy, but the colors aren't too bad. I decided to use curvyCorners instead of images to round things out. Since this is primarly a blog about coding, not design, I think it's appropriate that the design doesn't have a lot of imagery, and that the site uses code to accomplish its look.

BlogEngine.NET makes skinning the site super easy since it's basically just a MasterPage and a CSS file. I also made a small change to the tag cloud and created an alternate version of the recent comments control so it just has the author and post title.

12 thoughts on “New Theme for BlogEngine.Net

  1. Very unique theme- I dig the tags [i]stuck[/i] to the side of the post!
    "super easy" is a relative term, of course 😉

  2. Uggh, for rounded corners. I’ve found it’s jsut easiest to do rounded corners in Firefox and Safari with moz-border-radius type stuff, and let IE have the hard corners 🙂

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