I’ve been noticing a few friends (some in the programming world, some not) start to suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. Some have started to move over to the DVORAK layoutContinue readingSwitching to Dvorak (or trying to learn)
I'm working on a project that uses Windows Media Player and Firefox is not playing along. We are creating a video player skin that has two IFRAMEs. WMP issue scriptContinue readingFirefox + WMP + frames = poopie
While upgrading a CS 1.0 site to CS 1.1, I wanted a quick way to compare skins. I wrote a little aspx script that loads all the *.ascx files inContinue readingCommunityServer Skin Comparer
FreeTextBox (like all other JavaScript HTML editors) supports browsers that have the ‘contentEditable’ attribute enabled and the ‘document.execCommand’ method. IE 5.0 for Windows was the first to enable this, thenContinue readingSafari 1.3 and 2.0 support coming soon
I love the CS skinning model, but sometimes it’s difficult to get at the formatting of certain controls. The nifty date format I have here on this blog required aContinue readingCommunityServer date format hacking
Mozilla’s JS debugger is a god-send for JavaScript development, but everything still needs to work in IE and debugging in that environment can be rough. When I started doing JavaScript,Continue readingJavaScript Debugging
A few months ago someone at google created something called GoogleX (the original was taken down: mirror 1, mirror 2, story). It was a google search page with a menuContinue readingZoomMenu (GoogleX knockoff)