FreeTextBox 3.1 released today. Change log: Fixed: Gecko deleting all when large images are in the HTML Fixed: ASP.NET 2.0 Beta 2 support for internal resources. No web.config changes. JustContinue readingFreeTextBox 3.1 Released
Early next week, I’ll be releasing the last 3.x release of FreeTextBox. The main issues that will be addressed are ASP.NET 2.0 Beta 2 compatilibity issues: There are some issuesContinue readingAnnouncing FreeTextBox 3.1 and 4.0
Working with FreeTextBox and other JavaScript controls requires a lot of os/brower testing. Below are some of the tools I use to get the job done on one machine. PCContinue readingCross-browser, Cross-OS testing tools
I just finished up work on FreeTextBox 3.0.6 (download). Here the change log: Added: new project for ASP.NET 2.0 (FreeTextBox.sln renamed to FreeTextBox-2003.sln) Fixed: the default dll (3.0.5000.6; which isContinue readingFreeTextBox 3.0.6 release (IE7 support)
As mentioned in my previous post, I had some problems installing IE7 on my XP machine. I searched around for the error message and couldn’t find any solutions. But IContinue readingRun IE7 without installing it