Reading through Henri Nouwen’s short work Out of Solitude the other day, I came across this wonderful quote that describes the constant temptation to define our worth in terms of whatContinue readingHenri Nouwen on the Social Media Cycle
An Artisan I’ve long been fascintated by the Greek word tekton (literally artisan or craftsperson) which is translated “carpenter” in the gospels (Matthew 13:55, Mark 6:3) to describe the kind of work Joseph did,Continue readingWhen Jesus Creates
Last week, three big websites referenced things I’ve worked on recently: Biola University launched it’s new Open Biola project and featured my lecture on its homepage of resources. Jeffrey Zeldman, one ofContinue reading6 Tips for Handling a Perfect Storm of Internet Fame
I wrote a little piece for Mere Orthodoxy. It starts like this: Passing a row of large televisions at a bigbox store yesterday, I became aware that I was surroundedContinue readingIn Awe of Flesh On Screens
I just noticed this preview for Bryan Singer’s new show called H+: The Digital Series which premiers online August 8th. Here’s the synopsis: A groundbreaking new series by acclaimed producer BryanContinue readingH+: New Web Show about Posthumanism