OUTSPOKEN: Conversations on Church Communication Tim Schraeder of Center for Church Communication asked 60+ authors and creatives (including me) to contribute some thoughts on the importance of communication in the big-C ChurchContinue readingA Great New Blog and Great New Book
How Technology Makes Us Better Social Humans – A fascinating study of how people use social networking tools at home and in public spaces. The idea is that the socialContinue readingAround the Web
The Big Question When I was in seminary, one of most common questions I would hear students as was “What is the best commentary on [insert book here]?” Seminary studentsContinue readingBestCommentaries.com 2.0
Yesterday was the official release date of my first book, From the Garden to the City: The Redeeming and Corrupting Power of Technology. Amazon and others have been shipping it forContinue readingHelp Me Give Away My Book
It’s been called “The best video on the internet” and “An incredible story, will restore faith in humankind.” That’s obviously hyperbolic, but I do think you should carve out 12Continue readingThe Internet is My Religion